Residence/Home |
Highway/Road/Alley |
Parking Lot/Garage |
Other/Unknown |
Air/Bus/Train Terminal |
Carport |
Abandoned/Condemned Struc... |
Construction Site |
Cemetery |
Industrial Site |
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal ... |
Cyberspace |
Farm Facility |
Tribal Lands |
Missing |
1,844 | 1,525 | 1,381 | 1,333 | 137 | 98 | 46 | 37 | 30 | 16 | 14 | 11 | 10 | 3 | 3 | 1 | | | | |
Number of Crimes |
Residence/Home | 1,844 |
Commercial | 1,525 |
Highway/Road/Alley | 1,381 |
Parking Lot/Garage | 1,333 |
Other/Unknown | 137 |
Recreational Spaces | 98 |
Educational Facility | 46 |
Government/Public Building and other | 37 |
Field/Woods/Waterways | 30 |
Air/Bus/Train Terminal | 16 |
Carport | 14 |
Abandoned/Condemned Structure | 11 |
Construction Site | 10 |
Cemetery | 3 |
Industrial Site | 3 |
Dock/Wharf/Freight/Modal Terminal | 1 |
Cyberspace | |
Farm Facility | |
Tribal Lands | |
Missing | |