Simple Assault |
Aggravated Assault |
Intimidation |
Destruction/Damage/Vandal... |
Kidnapping/Abduction |
Stalking |
Criminal Sexual Contact |
Burglary |
Theft - All Other Larceny |
Theft From Building |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Murder |
Statutory Rape |
Theft From Motor Vehicle |
Arson |
Robbery |
Theft of Motor Vehicle Pa... |
Incest |
Theft - Purse Snatching |
Extortion/Blackmail |
Stolen Property Offenses |
Counterfeiting/Forgery |
Fraud - False Pretenses |
Fraud - Credit Card/ATM |
Fraud - Wire |
Fraud - Identity Theft |
Commercial Sex Acts |
Fraud - Impersonation |
Fraud - Computer Hacking/... |
Theft - Pocket-picking |
40,551 | 10,394 | 7,416 | 2,892 | 1,292 | 957 | 820 | 674 | 544 | 413 | 329 | 140 | 101 | 72 | 66 | 29 | 14 | 12 | 10 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Number of Victims |
Simple Assault | 40,551 |
Aggravated Assault | 10,394 |
Intimidation | 7,416 |
Destruction/Damage/Vandalism | 2,892 |
Kidnapping/Abduction | 1,292 |
Stalking | 957 |
All Rape | 820 |
Criminal Sexual Contact | 674 |
Burglary | 544 |
Theft - All Other Larceny | 413 |
Theft From Building | 329 |
Motor Vehicle Theft | 140 |
Murder | 101 |
Statutory Rape | 72 |
Theft From Motor Vehicle | 66 |
Arson | 29 |
Robbery | 14 |
Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts | 12 |
Incest | 10 |
Theft - Purse Snatching | 7 |
Extortion/Blackmail | 5 |
Stolen Property Offenses | 4 |
Counterfeiting/Forgery | 3 |
Fraud - False Pretenses | 3 |
Fraud - Credit Card/ATM | 3 |
Fraud - Wire | 2 |
Fraud - Identity Theft | 2 |
Commercial Sex Acts | 1 |
Fraud - Impersonation | 1 |
Fraud - Computer Hacking/Invasion | 1 |
Theft - Pocket-picking | 1 |